Video-call Speaking test
IELTS Video-call Speaking test -You will take the Test at an official IELTS test centre with the same high standard of identity verification and attend free IELTS mock test and get free study materials.
Video-call Speaking test
As part of our commitment to improving access to IELTS all over the world, a select group of IELTS test centres will deliver the IELTS Speaking test via high-definition video calls. This will allow more flexibility and higher availability of IELTS Speaking tests.
Test takers will take the Speaking test at an official IELTS test centre with the same high standard of identity verification. The test will be delivered via a video call by an IELTS Speaking examiner, enabling real-life, real-time, two-way interaction.
The Video-call Speaking test will be exactly the same as the in-person Speaking test in terms of content, scoring, timing, question format and security arrangements.
The Video-call Speaking test will make IELTS tests more accessible to test takers, retaining the security and integrity.
It will be limited to a select number of test centres.
Video-call Speaking test
IELTS Video-call Speaking test -You will take the Video–Call Speaking Test at an official IELTS test centre with the same high standard of identity verification and attend free IELTS mock test and get free study materials.
Find out more about the test

IELTS for study
Thousands of education and training providers all over the world use IELTS results to select their students.
A test of four skills

IELTS for work
Many professional registration bodies and employers rely on IELTS as evidence of English language proficiency.
How to register

A test of four skills
IELTS is a task-based test covering the four language skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking).